giovedì 7 aprile 2011


The Romanian team project : BOGDAN, ROBERT, ANCA, IONUT, ANDA, GEORGIANA, VICTOR, MADALIN, PETRU, LAURENTIU, DANIEL, MADALINA and GABRIELA – students at “Al. I. Cuza “ Technical College from Bârlad, Romania, coordinated by : CARMEN , CAMELIA and RODICA – teachers at the same college says HELLO to the Italian team! We are sure that we will have a good collaboration together and we will know each other better as soon as possible.

2 commenti:

  1. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  2. Hi! I'm Petru from the Romanian team , I am seventeen years old , I am 11th grade at Computing Processor . Despite of my school specialization I really want to be a lawyer . I hope this blog will bring us closer .
