giovedì 23 dicembre 2010

Our presentations

Hi ,we're George, Joseph, Danilo and Emanuele . I'm Giorgia, I'm 15 years old and I live in Catania. I have brown eyes and hair. My hobby is sport, I practice athletics and swimming l. My classmates are Joseph, Danilo and Emanuele. They are 15 years old too and they live in Catania. . . and they love sport, they are fond of football !
We all love spending a lot of our time with friends. We are friendly, funny and even witty, but it is sure that each of us is very sincere with ourselves and with others. I believe that sincerity is the fundamental basis of everything.
<------ Well. . This is us, there's not much to say! Now, we would like to know you and in the meantime, we send you lots of kisses from the school "IPSSAR Karol Wojtila" in Catania, class 2 ° H. . .
written by Giorgia, Giuseppe, Danilo and Emanuele.

mercoledì 22 dicembre 2010

Our presentations

my name is Andrea. I'm fifteen. I'm from Catania. My favourite sport is football.
My favourite team is Milan.
I like listening to music.
Hello! My name is Damiano.I'm fifteen. I'm from Catania. My favourite sport is judo. I like listening to rap music. I like the rapper Eminem.
hello! My name is Marius. I'm seventeen. I'm from catania.
My favourite sport is football. My favourite team is Catania.
I like listening to hip-hop music.

Christmas for children: the legend of Santa Claus

Children consider Christmas a magical time but especially a moment when they can open their hearts freely and willingly.
Children wait with happiness the Christmas Eve perhaps the most important day of the year for them for the "presence " of Santa Claus in every house.
He is the symbol of Christmas.
About a month before Christmas children write their letter to Santa Claus where they ask him to bring them some gifts and telling him that they have been good throughout the year.
According to the tradition on Chistmas Eve Santa Claus with his sledge drawn by reindeers runs in the dark of the night and stopping at every house where there is a child he goes down in a chimney with his presents.
For us adults it is sad to wake up on Christmas morning and remember not to be a baby!!!

written by Giorgia, Giuseppe Danilo and Emanuele

Our presentations

martedì 21 dicembre 2010


Description servings: 8
calories: medium
category: starter
cost: low
difficulty: easy
preparation time: 30

Ingredients Flour 1200 gr.
Yeast 50 gr.
Salted anchovies 5
Extra virgin olive oil as required

Preparation Mix the water and the flour and work it until you have a smooth mixture. Then add the yeast and let it rise in a warm place covered with a kitchen cloth.

Wash the anchovies, take out the bones and break them into pieces.
When the dough has risen well, you can mix them into the dough.
Using a tablespoon scoop out one piece of dough which is now ready for
Otherwise you can stuff each piece with the anchovies. Put plenty of oil
into a frying pan and when it is good and hot, fry the balls until they are
golden brown. Serve hot.

The Chef's tips Instead of filling your crispelle with anchovies, you may choose to
insert fresh Ricotta cheese as an alternative.

Curiosity: this dish is tied to the Christmas holidays,
where it was most popular in the south of Italy especially in Sicily.

Cuisine in Sicily

The Culinary Tradition of Sicily
The culinary tradition of Sicily is worth on its own a trip to the Island. Sicilian cuisine has very ancient roots, combining Greek, Arab, Norman, Spanish and French elements, which create a unique fusion of flavours. This is why you will probably find a great variety of specialties even within few kilometres. The Greek brought wine and olive trees on the island, importing a concept of simple traditional cuisine bound to the earth and the sun, especially in the eastern part of Sicily. The Arab introduced the bittersweet flavours which characterize the cuisine in the western regions and islands (for instance the use of capers, raisin and almonds in numerous pasta dishes), and also the Cous cous, which represents a very common meal in Palermo or Trapani, as well as the spices (cinnamon and sesame above all). Even the Cassata, the most famous Sicilian cake, has Arab origins, although it was later influenced by baroque flavours during the Spanish occupation.
In general sweets and cakes are fantastic in Sicily, wherever you go you will find pastry and ice cream shops. The main strength of all Sicilian meals lies in the quality of the local products used: fruit and vegetables grow abundantly on the island, and there is a great variety of fresh oily fish (sardines, anchovies, mackerels..), which is very healthy and good for pasta dishes, like the popular pasta with pilchards. Of course the bigger fish like tuna and sword fish are also present and cooked in many different ways all over Sicily, or they can be used to prepare some tasty pasta dishes.
Eating in Sicily is a unique experience, and very cheap as well! Breakfasts in bar are so inviting that you can only give up to it. And prices are generally very low compared to other cities in North and central Italy. In many restaurants the average price for a full meal (including main course, second and drink) is 15 Euro, which becomes 20-25 if you have fish. Pizzas are very good and cheap.
And then you have an endless choice of snack bars and street stands where you can have fast snacks, which are as substantial as a normal meal. The choice in pastry shops and restaurants is impressive, with cakes and sweets of all kinds, either salt and sweet, from arancini to filled sandwiches. The rosticcerie sell baked pasta, lasagne, roast chicken, focaccia, fish and other specialties, to be eaten sitting on the outdoor tables. Markets also offer a wide choice of food, from sandwiches with meuza (spleen), to chickpeas omelettes, to fried vegetables, grilled fish, octopus, molluscs and fried fish. Moreover, in the cities you can still find the traditional shops selling focaccia or simple bakeries with baked cakes, either salt and sweet.

class 3e COOKS/1

martedì 14 dicembre 2010

The Christmas Holy Mass in Italy

These are some of the most important churches in Catania (Italy).
During Christmas -time, people go to churches above all for the Christmas Holy Mass.
Religion is very important in our country. in Catania (the town where we live) a lot of people
(thousands) go to churches for the Christmas Mass on the Christmas eve.
midnight the churches (like those in the pictures) are full of people.
They also greet everybody and wishes a merry Christmas to all.
One church in particular (St. Agata la Vetere, see above 1st and 2nd
photo) is the old Cathedral, and even the enclosed nuns come to make
songs and Christmas carols."

By Paolo Chiarenza, Federica Sapienza, Benedetto Mirabella, Andrea Nicotra and Fabio Viglianesi:
I.P.S.S.A.R. "Karol Wojtila" - Catania Italy